Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hogsback 2009

Our first excursion was this last weekend. We took a group of 20 people to Hogsback. The trip was a roaring success despite the rainfall and the cold!
In true Rhodes fashion (as its almost exactly what happened last year) we arrived at Hogsback after the sun had set. Hence the tent was put up in the dark again but not only that! This year we had the added bonus of rain to make it a real challenge! hehe but we pulled up our hoodies and got cracking and in no time our tent (although a bit wet inside) was up! HOORAY!!!

On Saturday due to the rain we divided into two groups those who wanted to hike and those who thought the drier choice of the bus would be best. We all had the same destination in mind.....the Madonna and Child Waterfall. Which is the waterfall in the above photo.
The reat of the weekend was spent making friends and hiking to other waterfalls like the swallow tails, 39 steps and the cliff at The Edge.
Thank you to everyone that came with as I had an awesome time!

Lonely berry taking a refreshing swim (and by refreshing I mean flipping freezing cold).

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